
Colleen McCann

"The Stylish Psychic"


“I wasn’t crazy, my healing senses were just turning on.” – Colleen McCann

This week we welcome fashion stylist turned shamanic energy practitioner Colleen McCann to the podcast to share her journey from hearing voices to honing her gift as a healer. When Colleen’s ability to “hear, see, know and feel” unexpectedly started to show up out of nowhere, she was closer to checking herself into a mental institution than seeking out the life of a shaman. But when a friend encouraged her to seek out mentorship from other healers, she began to find that her abilities may not be so crazy after all. Colleen shares several stories you’ll have to hear to believe for yourself, and has since founded energy healing business Style Rituals to serve as a conduit for messages and help others flex their intuitive muscles. Stay tuned as we end with a mindful cleansing practice you can incorporate into your own routine right away!

“I believe that there is a high percentage of people with mental illness that actually have gifts but haven’t been supported in the right way.” – Colleen McCann



  • Crystal Combs Cleansing


  1. Favorite Book: Many Lives, Many Masters
  2. Type of Meditation You Rely on the Most: Shamanic Journey Work. It’s a very active form of meditation where you’re going to look for answers rather than waiting for them to come to you.
  3. Helpful Meditation Tip: Give yourself the time and space to actually do the work.
  4. Current Obsession: The OA


  1. Inspirational Teacher 
    Martin Luther King 
  2. Favorite Documentary or Movie
    What Dreams May Come
  3. Current Obsession 
    Omad Lifestyle
  4. Food, Drink, or Object you can’t live without 
    Apple Cider Vinegar


  1. Type of Meditation you rely on most?
    Psychic Meditation which is energy tools, visual meditation which is also her personal practice
  2. Helpful tip for valuable meditation?
    Focus on your breath, take the pressure off yourself that you have to do it right. Keep showing up and try different meditation to find what works for you.
  3. Self-Care Hack? 
    I make sure to clear everyone out of my space every night and get out into nature. I clear people’s energy by creating a bubble out infront of you, putting everyone from the day in that bubble, and then blow up the bubble. This gives the person their energy back.
  4. If you could give any piece of life advice what would it be?
    If you don’t like how things are going, believe that you can change your perception and everything else will change.