
Rose Theodora

"Astrological Forecast for Summer 2021"


“Eclipses are like a wild card." – Rose Theodora

This week our in-house astrologer, Rose Theodora, is joining us to share her astrological forecast for summer 2021! We are just about to enter the eclipse season and Rose walks us through everything. From mercury retrograde which starts soon to the lunar eclipse happening this Wednesday, and the solar eclipse in June – everything you need to know is in this episode!

Rose also gives a lot of great advice on how we can embody these different astrological events instead of being fearful and submissive to them. She shares that astrology is the framework, but at the end of the day we need to live our lives. So much great information about this summer in this episode! If you want to experience Rose’s magic, then join her virtually every Sunday @ 10am PST for her COSMIC EMBODIMENT class at DENanywhere and she has an upcoming New Moon Workshop happening on July 10th @ 10am PST. We hope you enjoy this episode!

“The thing with the lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse is it’s an alignment, a 180 degree alignment in which you come into alignment with the collective destiny and also your personal destiny wherever these are occurring in your chart.” – Rose Theodora


Rose Theodora

DENtalks with Rose